A new day! Let’s enjoy it even if it might be an ... ugly or a beautiful one! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

A new day! Let’s enjoy it even if it might be an ... ugly or a beautiful one! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

It is said that first thing in the morning, after waking up ... you should just relax and try to connect with your inner self.

There is nothing better you should do in those first moments.

You might be a busy person ... cause i know that everybody is busy today .... but still you could wake up earlier ... and try to find that little door ... that once opened ... it reveals the beauty, but also the protection that comes from your soul.

But ... many of us ignore this theory.

Find it ... useless ... and a total non sense.

And we wake up ... open the mobile phone, read the whatsapp, the newspapers, the news from social media ... open the tv also ... and all we hear are 99% different negative news ... that send us on a wrong path ... the one that makes us believe that we live in a very ugly environment.

Instead of searching a way of finding the inner peace ... we study the total disorder of the outside world ... and even worst ... we start to believe that ... the image that is


presented to us ... is the real image of the Universe.

But you see ... no one ever bothered to tell us that this Universe has an ugly ... but also a beautiful side.

Long time ago ... we heard stories with angels and devils ... but we ignored the message behind those stories ... believing probably only what is repeated to us many, many times.

And guess what?!

The negative news dominate all the news channels ... and maybe the only island of peace could be ... inside of us.

But we can’t really ignore the outside world.

We can’t do it, because we believe it is ... real .... and the only one that matters.

And even much funnier than we ever thought is that we should enjoy our days ... just as they are ... ugly or beautiful.

We should understand the meaning of an ugly day, but also the one of a beautiful one ... but keep in mind all the time that everything happens for a reason and we should just accept, embrace and enjoy all what is actually happening.

In the same time ... we should keep the right balance between the inner and the outside world ... so that when we see the negative side, we could just remember that is only one side, but we also have the possibility of accessing the beautiful side anytime we want ... cause part of that side is always with us ... inside of us.

The day when we understand those concepts ... becomes the day when we actually start to not be afraid anymore about anything at all. .... no matter of what is going on in the world around us.


We will not care about news ... even if they are negative news.

We will not care of .... the negative events from our lives ... cause we know there is a reason they happen ... and the story ends all the time in a beautiful way.

We will not see anymore a world dominated by the evil everywhere ... but a world that shows us the whole spectrum of values that defines life ... just to understand its meaning.

We will embrace everything is going on ... even if it might be weird.

We will look on the mirror of life and realize that those specific negative episodes are actually nothing more than a message that we are not on the right path ... and we should redefine everything ... and follow another path ... the one of positivity.

And then ... waking up ... is becoming a new opportunity to enjoy life, especially if we should have in mind that one million persons, from all around the world ... just don’t wake up anymore.

This simple fact ... should make us meditate ... of how lucky we are ... smile .... and say ... “Just fuck it! If i am so damm lucky ... let’s enjoy the day even if it is going to be an ugly or a beautiful day! Anyway .... there is nothing better i could do!”


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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